Friday, December 17, 2010

85 Great Albums - 2010

I had the opportunity this year to spend a lot of time in Europe. It was spent traveling around the continent which allowed for extra hours to spend listening to the vast amount of amazing music that was either sent to me or found during endless searches on the web. This list was nearly impossible to make this year as there was just so many great memories, songs, and albums. Each and every album on this list touched and/or affected me this year and, as with the case last year, they are in no particular order. They are just all great and I really think people should hear them.

Please Enjoy... 

5.     Jónsi - Go


  1. Thanks for putting us up there with so many great albums! Keep enjoying the download of "Drag It Out", but if you're interested in an LP copy check out

    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for putting us on a list with so many great albums! If you're interested in a vinyl copy of Drag It Out, check out:
    Thanks again!
