Friday, November 26, 2010

Blake Mills

Besides from having one of the best websites ever, Blake Mills has that "it" factor more than a lot of music I have heard lately. I am absolutely positive that I am a late-comer to the wonder that is Breaking Mirrors but I am ecstatic that I found it. I stumbled across him on the always amazing Daytrotter and, as always, have been stuck listening to his melodies, music, and mumbles all day.

Take a little listening stroll through his album, which is available to stream here, and/or explore the Daytrotter Session. I know you will like it.

Records, Vinyl, Records

Yes, those boxes are full!

As you can see, Christmas came a month early this year as my loving In-Laws gave us their amazing record collection. Yes, this collection was begun when my father-in-law was a young tike and ran until, what looks to be, the eighties. So, if you are a friend and I don't show up for drinks, I don't call back, or just seem to have gone missing in action, I think you should be well aware as to my whereabouts. I am sitting at the record player listening to rebel-rock-n-roll from the fifties and catching up with Fleetwood Mac's masterpiece Rumours.

Not to mention humming along to the recently discovered Canadian icon, Wilf Carter.